United Kingdom

Organic Farming Research in the United Kingdom

This report was provided by Defra, the Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs to support the work of the partners to the Core Organic ERANET. This report is about all researches commissioned by public money and describes mainly the Defra organic R&D programme.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DEFRA
Sustainable Farming and Food Science Division
London, SW1P 3JR
Great Britain
Tel.: +44 207 238 1701
Fax: +44 207 238 1504
Internet: www.defra.gov.uk

Other public bodies in England and Wales also support research and development relevant to the organic sector. In addition, the developed administrations in Scotland and Northern Ireland support some relevant research and development within wider research and development programmes.

Therefore this report should not be regarded as a complete account of all UK research and development relevant to the organic sector.

A full version of the report about Organic Farming Research in the UK is available at a PDF file in the Organic Eprints Archive:

Defra, The Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (2006) CORE Organic Defra-UK Country Report, in Lange, S. et al. (Eds)  European Research in Organic Food and Farming. Reports on organisation and conduction of research programmes in 11 European countries, page pp. 130-141. Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) / Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food BLE, Bonn, Germany.